27 November 2009

Priceless Prayer

I read the below just yesterday on a British website, loved it on multiple counts, and have to share it.
A local minister was walking past his church when the intoning of a prayer made him stop and then leap out of his skin.
What had happened...
The minister's 5 year-old son (John?) and his friends while playing around chanced upon a dead robin, and wished to give the poor dead bird a proper and decent burial. John hunted around and found an old shoe box for the robin's final resting place. The lads dug up a small hole and John, since he was the minister's son after all, was chosen to administer the last rites and say the prayer for the deceased robin. In an impressive, solemn and sonorous voice, John intoned his version of what he thought his father always said, "Glory be unto the Faaather, and unto the Sonn, and into the hole he gooooes..."

Reminds me of the time when I was about the same age as John, and said for four straight years, "Guard India 'n watch over us".....


iwonder said...

Priceless bit of memory. And here's my tale of shame. Back in nursery, and maybe even KgII, I used to think one is supposed to say "Miss, may I Tom in?" before entering the class. It was such bliss, I tell you, not even suspecting that you may be wrong. Apart from the usual pains growing up brought with it, was the pain of knowing that the English you spoke or wrote was often far from correct, that you often mispronounced words, that you -- though not as often -- also mis-spelt words.

Shilpi said...

Some recent comments have been deleted because of their decidedly odd if not unpleasant nature.

No tales need to be shared unless the commentator specifically wants to share them.

I'm certainly not forcing anyone to share their tales.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I am thankful for the hilarity, and apologise on behalf of all the uncouth and irrelevant comments that come in from time to time. Don't please take them so much to heart as to stop posting altogether.

Shilpi said...

You shouldn't have to apologise Suvro da for this. It was more of a silly misunderstanding and my own hyper-prickliness (is that a word?), which made me delete some funny, weird, odd and unpleasant comments (mine included).
No, I won't stop posting...