26 May 2010

A sociologist mother

Yesterday I heard a story.
A woman, who is a lecturer in a reputed New Delhi college with a Master's degree in sociology and quite 'brilliant' (knows all the theories and the theorists and the right jargon and would be able, no doubt, to impress people with her knowledge regarding the finer aspects of post-structuralism and post-modernism and critical theory...) and the mother of two school-going kids was looking to do a doctorate because it would advance her career in sociology.

In the meanwhile, when her local ward (who was studying in college) came over to visit, the 'brilliant' lecturer would tell her children "Didi can do your homework. Let didi do your homework. " Now she quite literally meant "let didi do your homework" for the children would object and tell their didi to help them with their homework and not do their homework at which the mother would intervene with, 'No, no - let didi do it. You will get a better grade.'

I'd be the last person on the planet to talk about good parenting and motherhood but that said the above story left me feeling sick and tired.


Suvro Chatterjee said...

... and I know a psychiatrist my own age who is always ringing up my poor benighted wife for tips on how to rear her child well. That child, nearly 13 now, has never gone five hundred yards from her house without her parents yet!

Shilpi said...

Good grief...Boudi has my empathy.

Having met more psychiatrists and more sociologists than most regular people do - I shouldn't be so sickened that so many of them happen to be such utter twits.

How on earth does the poor kid manage to go to school though. Poor thing. What a life!