28 June 2010

One Oddly Addictive Song...and one other.

Very unlikely Pop-stars
Been playing this song and humming and/or singing it all morning while walking all around the house in between typing stuff and dancing in my chair - I don't think I've made a thousand miles as yet. And I know I'm not a man - but still.

I can keep listening to the same song for days together but it's a harmless (as long as no other human is being subject to the ordeal and my cats don't seem to mind at all) and a not uncommon practice. I think I may be doing the same with this song for the better part of the day. So I'm sharing the song with those who most likely haven't heard it. Some young people might just like the song....

Wonder what it is about the song. There is that lovely Scot accent ('ewe'? 'eoou'? 'eeooeue'? 'goooes'? 'looonely'?). There is that upbeat music which makes me want to break into a sprint (or a dance?). And there are the crazy lyrics. Hmm...walk 500 miles, and 500 more. So that's a 1000 miles and it's some 5000 miles by the end of it. Not too bad. I've often wondered how far I can walk if I just keep going.

Some other day I'll share some other songs. Not today. Hmm. Maybe I'll share just one other one, which I'm reminded of. It was one of my favourites some 20 years ago (and I would sing it, too, and lustily). It's the '500 miles away from home' song. Very different from the first one. And this reminds me of ---- but let that be for now.

P.S: Sorry about that previous post which doesn't turn up. I'm wondering how much of it to put up...it will be up again soon, I guess, minus the 'haver-ing'.


Archishman Sarkar said...

Shilpi Didi,

Lovely post. I wonder how many have heard about The Proclaimers, a band based in Scotland, and lovely lovely this song is. Most people haven't heard this song. I came to know about this song in the program of How I met Your Mother. Ted Mosby and Marshall Erikson driving the Fiero and singing this song on the highway.

If you watch closely you can see how addictive it proved for Ted, who was at first irritated but by the end he was singing his heart out! No wonder that this song is very inspirational to me, which prods me to go on and on..

Then there are more.. Belle and Sebastian "We rule the School", Violent Femmes "Good Feeling". Do listen to them if you find them.

Thanks again for the wonderful post.


Shilpi said...

I had never heard the song till that day I wrote the post, Archishman. It was playing on the radio and so I searched for it on Youtube. I can't say that it's an inspirational song for me...but it's definitely one oddly addictive song that's made it's way in, and I find the lyrics both oddly sad and somewhat amusing for some reason.

I'll see if I can hear the other songs that you've mentioned. Thank you.