26 June 2009


Robert and Sarah - both 10 years old - are in love. They've been playmates for over half a decade, and they want to get married right away.
Robert, like the gentleman he is, approaches Sarah's father one afternoon. Sarah's dad sees the serious youngster, asks him to take a seat after offering him some lemonade.
"So how are you doing, Robert? Everything okay?"
"Oh, yes Sir. I'm doing very well, thank you. I needed to talk with you today because Sarah and I have decided to get married and would like your blessings."
Sarah's dad thinks it's rather cute and amusing and decides to humour the young boy.
"That's a good idea son, but don't you think you should wait for some years?"
"Oh no, Sir. We love each other and don't want to stay apart anymore."
"I see. But son, what about living arrangements? Where do you plan to live?"
"I'll move into Sarah's room, Sir. She has a bigger room, and the bathroom's right next to her room."
"I see. But what are you going to do about money? How are you going to provide for yourselves?"
"We've thought about that. I make $14.00 a week and Sarah makes $12.50. That's $26.50 a week between the two of us, which is $106.00 a month. We've also got a savings of $520 between the two of us. We'll get along nicely. Neither one of us is a big spender, Sir. It's the occasional soda or sandwich that we go out for, and maybe a movie - apart from the books that we buy. But we've decided to eat inside, and watch movies at home, and get the books from the public library - at least until we have some decent savings set aside."
Sarah's dad is tickled pink by this point.
He looks at Robert with a twinkle in his eye, and says, "Well son, I see you've got everything planned out beautifully. But what are you going to do if a baby comes along?"
With a very thoughtful look in his eyes, Robert says, "We'll take our chances, Sir. We've been lucky so far."
Sarah's dad is no longer tickled pink, and across the street, Granny Dorothy (who's a little dotty) shoots up from her bed yelling, "The elephants. The elephants. The bellowing elephants are here!"

P.S: Read the above a couple of weeks ago somewhere....


Suvro Chatterjee said...

Egad, Shilpi! Some of us are dads just like Sarah's, and the last thing we might feel upon reading this stuff is 'tickled' any colour! You want to give me a heart attack?

Shilpi said...

Oh dear. Give you a heart attack?! I didn't think you'd be ha-ha-ing but I didn't think you'd be having an apoplectic fit either. Err...maybe they were just holding hands.
Well, take care anyway, and don't give me the horrid heebie-jeebies talking about heart attacks - not even in jest.