For a while now I have known that Von's has a used book section down in the basement. Somehow I've never prodded myself to go down there. I know that most likely sounds odd. Why ever not, one may ask....I am not really sure whether I want to share the reasons (batty as they are). Today I did go over to Von's. And I did go down into the book-filled human-empty basement. I ended up buying four books. And as I went in and out of the aisles looking and fingering and leafing through the old books (some older than others) - I wondered (among very many other things) how people can find reading books on a kindle half as satisfying. Some comparisons come to mind - but let me desist. I did feel wistful all the while down in the basement and some book titles made me gulp loudly.
On my way in and on my way out I saw one occupant - an elderly gentleman at the far end of one of the aisles who was quite comfortably sprawled out on the floor with his head resting in one of his palms reading a book, completely oblivious to the world. He could have been reading at home - he looked so comfy. I didn't travel up and down that aisle because I would have felt like an intruder.